Coos Basin Salmon Derby Official Rules
An entry fee of $20 will be charged for each adult for the 1 1/2-day event. Children 12 and under are free with a paying adult but need a salmon tag. Youth 13-17 are $10 with an ODFW Youth license (required). Tickets must be purchased prior to angling. All anglers must have a valid license and/or tag. Both bank and boat angling are permitted. No refund of entry fees will be made.
Every person in a boat participating in the Derby must have a ticket (including children 11 and under). Every participating boat must prominently display a Derby ribbon which is included in the boat captain's registration packet which may be picked up when purchasing tickets at a vendor or one of the boat ramps.
The Derby legal fishing area in the Coos River Basin is from the Empire Boat Ramp to the upper reach of tide water legal boundaries for salmon angling. Any fish caught outside of the boundaries, or at another time, will be disqualified as will the angler submitting the entry. Fishermen must follow all ODF&W fishing regulations. Any person who violates official ODF&W rules or regulations will be automatically disqualified.
Tickets are available in advance at the Bait's On Bait & Tackle in Empire, TnT Market in Eastside, Coos Bay Marine, Y Marina, Englund Marine, Riverview Gems & Gifts in Bandon, Comfort Furniture & Appliance in Coquille, and at the Eastside and California Street boat ramps starting at 6:00 AM both Saturday and Sunday. Fishing in the Derby begins one hour before sunrise. All fish and contestants must be in line for weigh-in by Derby Officials by 5:00 PM, Saturday, and final weigh-in by 1:00 PM on Sunday in order to be in competition for prizes. Fish should be weighed in as soon as possible as weight loss begins as soon as the fish leaves the water. Any tie will be broken by the earliest ramp weigh-in time!
The person holding the rod when the fish is landed must be a registered participant in the Derby and is the only person who can enter the fish in the competition for prizes.
Fish may be entered only once at which time a hole will be punched in the gill plate to prevent re-entry. Scale samples may be taken. Derby officials have the right to eviscerate the fish at their discretion. Fish in contention for monetary prizes may be retained for authenticity including inspection by an ODFW biologist and will be tagged with the contestant's name. The decisions of the Derby officials to accept or not accept a fish in the Derby are FINAL.
Protest of any nature must be made in person to a Derby Official at one of the weigh-in stations. All protests will be recorded. If the protest involves the top three prizes, the awards of these may be held until a decision has been made by the Derby Official, which may take two weeks or longer following the Derby. The decisions of the Derby Official and committee will be FINAL in any contested matter.
All photographs taken by Derby judges at the time of weigh-in become the sole property of the Coos Basin Salmon Derby committee.
Children 11 years old or younger or youth 12-17 whose fish is in contention for adult prizes will not be eligible in their age division. A second fish may then be entered in the age division.
Derby winners will be announced upon conclusion of the Derby and prize money will be mailed to all winners.